Saturday, August 8, 2009

Country Sampler

Whew - it's been a crazy last couple of days. I've been busy trying to get things ready for the fall and getting my house ready for the Country Sampler shoot. It's so strange to think my humble home is going to be in a magazine. It was so much fun watching Donna and Philip shoot the house and interesting too. The house was a little dark, however. After days and days of warm weather and sunshine it was so cloudy on the day of the shoot. But they have great lighting so it worked out all right in the end. When I saw the pictures of my home on the computer - I thought wow that looks like a home in Country Sampler magazine! It was like seeing my house through someone else's eyes.
Donna brought tons of lovely flowers and dill too. Now the smell of my house reminds me of my grandmother. She always had flowers from her garden in the summer and she used dill. When I close my eyes I reminded of her.
I really enjoyed sharing my goodies with Donna (even though I'm an only child) and moving things around. When mom and I went to the Farm Chicks show - I purchased an old pie safe and repainted it and Philip and photographed that as well. It always feels good when other people like what I like too.
I'm not sure when the issue with my home in it will publish - most likely in the spring/ early summer of 2010 - as soon as I know I'll let everyone else know.


americanspiritandfriends said...

I'm so proud of you and can't wait to get the magazine!

Raggedy Angel said...

I am so looking forward to that issue! Congrats to you!!!! Beth

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