Monday, August 10, 2009


In December my son and I went to the Saturday market Holiday Market here in Salem to pick out a kitty. I let Aidan choose and he picked out a great cat and named her Nadia ( which is Aidan backwards). Of course the name fits her to a "T" because she is soooooo naughty too. We did our best to keep her an indoor cat, but she was just too passionate about going outside. When she learned to open the locked front door we gave up.
When we came home the other day my hubby snapped this picture of her - sometimes she is just too curious for her own good. When she came running to see us she even had more spider web on her face then in the photo - silly kitty!

1 comment:

americanspiritandfriends said...

This kitty looks like she could care less...but had fun doing it.

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